Heavy rains for days led to a bit of a cave-in yesterday at an
already sketchy building site at the end of our street. Took out part of a unit block's driveway.
Pics and video from the this morning, August 20, showing the backfill process beginning (video does not play sideways):
The crater you see here is the building site. The slide or slip damage you can see in the back, the dark slabs with the white marks on them being bits of tarmac from the driveway that collapsed. Very close to that building.
From yesterday, this is the left-hand-side of the crater, just to give you an idea of how close this building site is to existing structures. They were trying to tuck a nine-unit apartment building between this home you see here (a
Collaroy historic site;
more info here) and that apartment block on the right you can see in the other photo. Oy.
Here's a
good short Instagram video, taken from above the site, of the excavation, with a gratuitious show of the view from up here of the Tasman Sea (which we don't have in our peasant's abode on the street below, no thank you very much).
Super Bonus:
Update, August 21: Updated info and better views