Anti-Abortion and Anti-Contraception

Just a thought on U.S. political crap:  If you claim to be against legal abortion because it's about the "innocent unborn babies" or something like that, which is what every "pro-lifer" I've ever heard on the issue says it's about, and you're also against contraception—you are basically admitting that the abortion thing isn't about the "innocent unborn babies," aren't you? Think about it.

And this, from John Cole:
When did the 1st Amendment change from basically saying that you can practice whatever religion you want and you won’t be burned at the state as a heretic and we’re not going to form or recognize a national religion like the Church of England? When did it change to “everyone everywhere has to do what a bunch of old catholics in funny hats wants, because otherwise it hurts their feelings?” And why does it only apply to certain religions?
Egg-zactly. No pun intended.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Not In Kansas Anymore Moment

Christine had a hankering for an old favorite yesterday and brought this home from shopping:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"The Wild World of Batwoman" (1966)

When working on a publication on the subject of "nature," you sometimes stumble across things like this. And you are, for a while, happy.

I don't know what I like best: the trailer itself, or the fact that it plays twice.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


If you have a moment, listen to a song, and if you have another, make a little purchase. My favorites are "Sigh" and "Donald." (Listen to full songs here.)

iTunes and other stores in the sidebar on the right.